Fly, you fool!

Escaping Sloth

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Update: The winged sloth flies again! After letting this project rot for, oh, three years, I have decided to revive my literary ambitions. Actually, that’s a blatant lie: I don’t have any of those. However, through almost no fault of my own I seem to have painted myself into a literal corner office once again. I’m back to an office job. The same logic of action that had me start writing this project three years ago once again compels me to use this as a way of - there is probably a nicer way of saying this - getting off my ass. Writing helps me think, and I suspect I should be doing more of both. So yes, it’s about time I stretch my freakishly long limbs, spread my wings and claw my way up into the sky again!

In order to escape the physical and mental complacency that comes with a comfortable office job, I booked a flight somewhere. That’s how it started. The site’s name serves two functions: Firstly, it’s supposed to remind me to do more every day. Secondly, I love the thought of an actual sloth pulling itself over a fence at glacier-like speeds while a zookeeper yells in the background “NOOOOOOO, COOOOOMEEEE BAAAAAAACK!”